About Breastfeeding
Most first time mothers assume that breastfeeding is something that will come naturally and easily. For some it does, but many mothers really struggle in the beginning and wish they had more preparation and support both before and after their baby arrived.
Although breastfeeding is natural, it doesn't always come easily and is definitely a learned art. Research has shown that many mothers wish they had received more preparation for breastfeeding and the early months of parenting prior to the birth of their baby. Research also shows that when Dads attend a breastfeeding class their partners tend to have more success with breastfeeding.
The first hours and days with your baby are critical to successful breastfeeding, and unfortunately support is not always available in private hospitals. Once you have been discharged from the hospital, some mothers here receive no follow up or support. Sadly, some very good paediatricians and nurses have insufficient, out-dated and even completely incorrect knowledge and training when it comes to breastfeeding and you will get some terrible advice, much of which can lead to a lot of suffering and even to unnecessarily giving up breastfeeding.
This is why we offer our Antenatal Breastfeeding Workshop that seeks to offer support, advice, and practical help before your baby is born, so those early days after your baby’s birth are easier.
Love Breastfeeding: The Antenatal Workshop
This 3.5 hour workshop, taught by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant/Registered Lactation Consultant, will provide expectant parents with the basic knowledge and the confidence to successfully breastfeed. If you are planning to breastfeed or still just thinking about your options, this workshop will answer any questions you have, prepare you to get breastfeeding off to a good start, give you the information you need to avoid many of the common problems and provide you the tools to get the appropriate help if and when you need it.
The class is interactive and includes lots of visual aids, videos, discussions and hands-on practice with dolls. You will receive extensive emailed hand-outs and digital resources to deepen your learning and to keep on hand for refreshing your memory once baby arrives.
What you will learn:
Getting off to a good start
The importance of skin-to-skin contact in the first hours and beyond.
How to hold your baby and attach baby to the breast
How milk supply works
What is ‘normal’ for a breastfed baby?
Role of partners in breastfeeding
Adjusting to life with baby
Common concerns and problem solving
Going back to work or school, including pumps and equipment
When to seek help and where you can find it
This is a perfect workshop for first time parents-to-be who are planning to breastfeed or are still deciding about it, or experienced parents who struggled with breastfeeding their previous babies. Class includes handouts, digital resources and light refreshments (when happening in-person and permitted by covid-prevention rules)

Everyone should take this workshop before their baby is born. I was clueless with my first baby and I feel so much more prepared