About ToddlerCalm™️
ToddlerCalm classes and workshops are based on the most current psychological and developmental research. In each program we work on understanding why babies and toddlers behave the way they do, and look at the pros and cons of various parenting approaches to dealing with that behaviour. We encourage you to identify your own long-term parenting goals and values, and using evidence-based information and techniques determine what you think is the best way to parent your unique child. There is no one ‘right’ way. The group setting provides a supportive network to explore these questions and a variety of solutions to the everyday challenges of being a parent.
All classes and workshops are suitable for parents of 1-4 year olds and dads and other guardians are encouraged to attend. Young babies in arms are welcome as long as they are not disrupting the class but you will need to make other arrangements for your toddlers so you can fully participate in the sessions.
The 4 Week Parenting Course
Four, 2.5 hour classes held over a 4 week period covering all aspects of toddler behavior with plenty of time for discussion and working through individual issues. Provides a great support group and opportunity to explore your own unique parenting approach.
What you will learn:
Class 1
Setting your long term parenting goals
Understanding the world from your Toddlers point of view
What is going on in that toddler brain?
How to deal with tantrums, toddler biting & hitting
How to encourage your toddler to share & listen to you
Setting realistic expectations & keeping calm
Class 2
Analyzing current popular parenting approaches and techniques
How to praise effectively
Using consequences
Introduction to the ToddlerCalm™ framework for effective parenting
Introducing Child Led Play
Class 3
What does normal toddler sleep look like
The psychobiology of toddler sleep
Setting realistic expectations
Analyzing current popular sleep approaches and techniques
Applying the ToddlerCalm™ framework to sleep issues
The importance of different types of play in a toddler’s life
Class 4
What does normal toddler eating look like?
The psychobiology of toddler eating
Setting realistic expectations
Applying the ToddlerCalm™ framework to eating issues
ToddlerCalm™ suggestions for easier eating
Further reading and resources
The ToddlerCalm 4 week course was a fantastic opportunity to learn about new ways to parent my child. It gave me an opportunity to explore practical ways to improve my relationship with my daughter and it has already had superb results.
The ToddlerCalming™️ Workshop
This 3.5+ hour workshop will teach you the fundamentals of ToddlerCalm so you can start to relate to your toddler in an entirely new way and bring calm to your home. This is great for working parents and dads who can't make it to weekly classes as it gives you a condensed form of classes 1 and 2, helping you to understand your toddler's brain development and showing you ways to avoid and handle most difficult toddler behaviour. This is an information packed workshop with limited time for discussion but perfect for grasping the basic elements of ToddlerCalm.
What you will learn:
Setting your long term parenting goals
Understanding the world from your Toddlers point of view
What is going on in that toddler brain?
How to deal with tantrums, toddler biting & hitting
How to encourage your toddler to share & listen to you
Setting realistic expectations & keeping calm
Analyzing current popular parenting approaches and techniques
How to praise effectively
Using consequences
Introduction to the ToddlerCalm™ framework for effective parenting
Introducing Child Led Play
How to encourage your 'terrible twos' to be more 'terrific twos'
Further reading and resources