ToddlerCalm Testimonials
If the traditional wave of parenting approach doesn’t feel good to you or you are not having much success with it, then I’d highly recommend trying Toddler Calm classes. I want my child to grow up to be their own person, be happy and be a responsible individual and I think Toddler Calm’s approach is helping us achieve our aim and to feel good about our parenting too! The classes help get things in perspective, you get to share experiences with other parents get back to enjoying being a parent. Jasmine is a great teacher and facilitator along the journey and is no stranger to the struggles of raising toddlers. Thank you for helping us on our Journey Jasmine!
"We loved the workshop last Saturday, and both found it extremely beneficial. I think (my husband) in particular needed reminding that (our toddler) doesn’t behave badly just to wind him up…..and we have already seen a huge difference!!! By approaching (our toddler's) temper tantrums with love and compassion, and offering him a little control and choice over what he wears, what we’re going to eat, what we’re going to do today, etc. he already seems so much happier (other people have noticed the change too). He still misbehaves, as kids do, but not nearly so often, and he calms down much quicker and is just generally a happier little soul!"
Hi Jasmine. Thought id give you an update in how Kaya and I are doing since we did your Toddler calm class. Well I think I can say we haven't had a "bad day" in about 2 weeks! I feel like I understand her so much better and by letting her do 'her thing' at times she's much more co-operative when I need to do 'my thing'! Win win! Her nap times are much more consistent and she's doing really well feeding herself which will really help me when #2 arrives in 2 months! I think she is thriving off the independence I give her (at appropriate times!) Thank you!!!

Hi Jasmine! I loved your course. It was beautifully presented as always and i feel more connected to my child since doing it and less worried that he his going to behave unpredictably. Its totally changed the way I deal with his unwanted behaviour and we are all so much happier for it. Honestly -we haven't had a bad day since -even with teething and sleepless nights!
Thank you so much!"