Frequently Asked Questions- BabyCalm
How is BabyCalm different from other antenatal classes ?
BabyCalmâ„¢ is an entirely unique concept, born out of years of research and learning from new parents and babies with the aim of supporting new families from newborn to toddlerdom and beyond.
What do we do? we support, we listen, we build confidence, we provide information and suggestions - we absolutely do not suggest prescriptive ways for raising babies. We are non-judgmental and non-biased. We present scientific based information that is always up to date.
Why take a BabyCalm workshop before your baby is born?
Most new parents focus only on the birth, which is important, but in reality only lasts a day at most and will happen one way or another. Many new parents today have never held a brand new baby until they are handed their own, and they are shocked to discover that they must keep this helpless person alive and happy without an instruction manual. The newborn period is one of intense adjustment and learning for both parents and new babies and will likely be the most challenging 6 weeks of your life.
If your baby has already been born is it too late?
Parents of newborns up to age 12 weeks are welcome to join the class as well. They will benefit from learning some new techniques and participants who are still pregnant will benefit from their first-hand experience.
Do you Have a Book I can Read to Learn More About Your Methods?
Check out "BabyCalmâ„¢: A Guide for Calmer Babies and Happier Parents" written by Sarah Ockwell-Smith
All first time parents should read it for its insightful look at what babies really need from their parents in the forst 3 months.